D-Day Flight Flashback

So, in honour of the 75th anniversary of D-Day & Battle of Normandy in WWII, I wanted to revisit a special flight I took a few years back on a legendary piece of military history. By bro-in-law is the flight Engineer on ‘Vera’ - one of the worlds two still-airworthy Avro Lancaster heavy bombers and he graciously brought me along for a flight on this aircraft.

I’ll link a wikipedia link below for all the info, but to actually become airborne in this beast - with it’s engines hollering, props cranking and no comforts - man it was truly a spectacular and humbling experience. I was in the sky for 45 minutes, I could scarcely imagine what it would be like for those old WWII flyboys who spent countless hours aboard a flying pressure-cooker like this during wartime.

Thanks to Craig & the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum for the flight of a lifetime.

Avro Lancaster