Belgium probably strikes a lot of people as... strange.
While there's no mistaking you're in a European country, it feels like a peculiar mixture of the more prominent Euro countries of Germany & the Netherlands.
The calling cards of beer, waffles and chocolate are a draw for many, I went because I really had no idea about the place and wanted to wander to vibe it out.



The oval, sort-of-island city of Brugge was a fantastic find.
Canals wound around rows of stone houses and the downtown
streets came alive with indirect lighting at dusk.


How many names has it had you ask? It's been called: Bruggas, Brvggas and Brvccia in AD 840–875. Afterwards, it appears as Bruciam, Bruociam, Brutgis uico, portu Bruggensi, Bruggis, Bricge, Brugensis, Brycge, Brugias, Bruges, Brugis and finally Brugge as of 1116.
Glad they got that sorted out.


Well yes, beer is as synonymous with Belgium as it is with Germany. Some of the best imports - often mistaken for German - are actually Belgian; Stella Artois, Leffe, Duvel, Hoegaarden, Chimay and scads more.


I met up with a couple other canucks and we toured The Half Moon brewery (with samples afterwards of course) and then hit a tasting bar with a zillion flavours available. Shut-up liver, you're fine....


The aristocratic city of Brussels was pretty soggy during my visit (some of the statues even pissed rain), yet it was still an interesting wander. Sampled the obligatory waffle & some chocolate.


Sadly, zero Jean Claude Van Damme (aka The 'Muscles from Brussels') sightings to be reported.


The Tervuren Museum just outside Brussels showcased the Congo, a former Belgian colony in Central Africa.


Digging deeper, you learn about one ruthless King Leopold II and his exploitation of the locals to harvest and process rubber.