Germany (Part II)

My second stint in this incredible European country was a very different experience without the bike. Buses & trains got me around this time, and with it being early February, I had my 'burner' winter jacket on. Berlin & Hamburg were main destinations, as well as a meet-up with a friend (whom I'd met in Australia) in Kiel.



World renowned capital with an incredible history. In a nutshell; first documented in the 13th century and at the crossing of two important historic trade routes, Berlin became the capital of the Margraviate of Brandenburg (1417–1701), the Kingdom of Prussia (1701–1918), the German Empire (1871–1918), the Weimar Republic (1919–1933), and Nazi Germany (1933–1945). Berlin in the 1920s was the third-largest municipality in the world. After World War II and its occupation by the victorious countries, the city was divided; West Berlin became an exclave of West Germany, surrounded by the Berlin Wall (from August 1961 to November 1989) and East German territory. East Berlin was declared capital of East Germany, while Bonn became the West German capital. Following German reunification in 1990, Berlin once again became the capital of unified Germany.

My pictures and footage don't even come close to scraping the surface of this incredible city, but shown here are the Brandenburg Gate, Holocaust Memorial, remnants of the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, War Memorial and the Reichstag capital building.



Pedestrian Sights

A small gallery of other sights around Berlin. Starting with my hostel, (St. Christopher's Inn @ Alexanderplatz - highly recommended) evening pics around the art museum, Book Burning memorial and some city shots over the city from the Fernsehturm tower. Also took a stroll around the museum with some Aussie mates and got a look at Queen Nefertiti's likeness.


Potsdam is the capital and largest city of the German state of Brandenburg, directly bordering Berlin. Former residence of Prussian kings and the German Kaiser until 1918, Potsdam city is over 1000 years old. Got onto a free tour around Schloss Glienicke, the original Brandenburg Gate, Sanssouci Palace, and even a wintertime polar dipper.

Kiel & Small Town Vibes

I met up with some friends whom I'd met down in Aus and crashed at their place for a couple of days in a sleepy little village. Great to have the small town vibe for a bit. A & T were great hosts and incredibly generous. Stopped at her family's farm before heading into the city of Kiel for pints of Guinness in a pub and then over to a frat party.


Germany's 2nd largest city (after Berlin) lies on the River Elbe and two of its tributaries, the River Alster and the River Bille in the north of the country. A massive port city is also a prominent hub of science, research and education. Climbing up St. Michael's church allowed a glimpse into the workings of the clock tower and from the top, views over the city & port. A boat tour around the port made you feel tiny with giant craft in drydock and cargo ships jockeying for position.

It was the sun setting behind dozens of shipyard cranes that became my most vibrant memory of the city.