Antipodes (ān-tĭp'ə-dēz') pl. n:

Either or both of two points, places, or regions situated diametrically opposite to one another on the earth's surface, esp. the country or region opposite to one's own.

To venture is to risk death. Not to venture is to have died already.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ever thought about pulling the plug and taking off on everything for awhile? Hittin' the road? Going walkabout?

Some time ago, I thought, "Yeah, I wanna do that."

So I quit the job, sold the truck, bought a bike, booked the tickets, and went.

Doing that kind of thing stirs up a lot of stuff in the brain, the body and the soul. Bus, train, rental cars were all options, but I opted for 27 gears and two tires. With a few maps, a tent, a hosteling guide and an open mind I took off for months at a time to check out a different way of 'living'.

This book is a lot of things; travelogue, bike instructional, hostel tutorial, family memoir; a hedonist yarn with personal commentary sprinkled throughout. I've tried to keep it interesting with accounts of unique experiences that befall the solo traveler in foreign lands. There's lots of colour photography, maps, mileage stats and dialogue that channels feel of place and keep you turning the pages. Cheers, BW