Great Lakes Pirate

A few years ago on the north shore of Lake Erie, my buddy (and best man) Sean told a bunch of us that he was going to buy a sailboat and sail it from his home near Wasaga Beach down to Erie, and anchor it off the shore of another good friends' cottage. The ambition was dismissed by many as foolish; just more empty 'Sean talk'.

Then he went and bought a sailboat.

Fast-forward to late July of this year; he and his longtime girlfriend set out from Penetanguishine harbor, sailing every day for over 3 weeks, stopping at ports of call, marina's and anchorages along the shores of Georgian Bay, the North Channel, Lake Huron, Lake St. Claire & Lake Erie. Overcome was rough weather, squalls, blazing heat, rain, strong winds, no winds, ripped sails, propeller issues and a slew of other adversity on their nautical journey.


(These pics property and courtesy of Sean & Quyen)

On August 10th, he dropped anchor in Lake Erie, a stone's throw from the cottage where he made that statement two years previous.

Now, those that know Sean, know that he likes to talk. But holy damn, when he sets his mind to something, this guy bloody well follows through. The traveling spirit and stick-to-itiveness is alive and well in this boy. Way to go man, Helluva feat.

(Also noteworthy: way back in 2006, Sean flew to the other side of the world to join me for a 3-week backpacking trip in Eastern Australia, and in 2008 on a day's notice, dropped everything for a week-long hostel raiding stint in Amsterdam. 'No dramas, mate.'