
Wanted to say I really appreciate all the interest about the book and the website. Huge thank-you's to all of you who've bought a copy of the book from me! That kind of support is awesome and I can only hope that you'll enjoy reading it.

Some of you have written about the pictures and vids on the website too. I've chucked a bunch more shots into the 'Bikes' & 'Travels' galleries, so feel free to swing by and check the new ones out. I'll add some more in the coming weeks as well, so check back here and there for some more cool pics from the road.

I'm working on getting the book onto bookstore shelves soon, but, they'll likely charge more than my asking price of 20 bucks. So don't be shy! Drop me a line and go, "Hey Bran, I've got an extra twenty; I want a copy of that thing and I want you to sign & bring it to me." And I'll reply with something like, "Oh man, have you seen gas prices?! I couldn't possibly deliv.. okay, okay, I'll get one to ya." (Sorry - if you're not in the Hamilton area, I'll have to snail mail you one).

Cheers and thanks again for the support!

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